The first in-game look of The Beatles: Rock Band along with the first ten announced songs from the game’s 45 tracks.
Full albums will be released as downloadable content, with first being Abbey Road available shortly after launch. In addition, All You Need Is Love will be coming exclusively to Xbox Live with all proceeds going to Doctors Without Borders.
Here are the first ten tracks confirmed to be in The Beatles: Rock Band:
* I Saw Her Standing There
* I Want To Hold Your Hand
* I Feel Fine
* Daytripper
* Taxman
* I Am the Walrus
* Back in the USSR
* Octopus’s Garden
* Here Comes The Sun
* Get Back
Following the presentation, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Yoko Ono, and George Harrison’s son took the stage offering praise.
The Beatles: Rock Band arrives September 9 for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Wii.