Here’s the latest Nintendo news:
–If there were a Dead Space: The Movie, what would you want to see?
–Disney: Movie lisenced games will get better
–Germany reconsidering game ban
–Final Fantasy music hits Chicago
–Dragon Quest 9 hits 3.2 million copies in Japan alone
–Konami brings its two biggest stars to Gamescom
–What’s new on the Nintendo Channel
–What’s new on WiiWare and DSiWare this week
–Nintendo on the launch calendar, pleasing both worlds, and wondering why core titles don’t sell
–At least one world leader wants to get in the game…
–Remembering Super Mario World: Yoshi’s Island
–More confirmation of once you first pick up that control (or handheld, or Wiimote…) you won’t want to put it down
–Video cosplay/booth babe highlights from Comic-Con
—RUMOR: Possible Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver NA release date?
Stay tuned for breaking news and updates throughout the day.
Happy gaming,