…to attend and participate in our first community meeting for the MonsterVine! Typcially, I hold staff meetings privately but since we are going in a new direction, I think its time to let our readers have their say in the process.
We will be holding the meeting through the liveblog and everyone who’s here on Wednesday, August 5, 2009 during the times of 1PM PST, 4PM EST, and 10 PM GMT is welcome to submit their comments or questions! 🙂
Gonna forget that date and time? No worries, we have that covered, we have a nifty e-mail reminder thing that will tell you when the meeting will be right here!
We’ll be discussing all sorts of particulars like what exactly our new direction will entail [hint: community], what ideas or features we’re thinking of, and how you can possibly get involved.
Also a word of thanks to those that have commented on our MonsterVine Promotion video recently. Much appreciated.