Well well well, it’s launch week, everything in my life has been boiled down to this very moment. No of course not, the past month has been absolute hell for me, the hardest semester of the year is underway, and worse of all I have no internet. Our landlord has put it upon himself to not set up the internet in our beloved house yet, so basically my source of the net comes from the university library a place with a constant smell of burnt rubber. My gaming has decreased more than usual and I’m so out of loop in the industry that if someone told me Gears of War 3 will go multi-platform I would probably believe them. Not a good start as an editor for a gaming blog site.
We’ve had Will work his ass off, Zack actually do some work and me writing this article about nothing in particular. Don’t you all worry about little old me, I shall be here and alive once our fucking landlord actually gets off his lazy Irish ass and actually does something. Our front door is just a sheet of metal with a bit of wood supporting it, there’s a leak in my room which is currently being covered with toilet roll, the internet we stole has blocked us after someone decided it was sane to download some kinky shit, half the showers don’t work, next door keeps on nicking our wheelie bin so we have 10 bags of trash outside the house which the garbage men refuse to fucking pick it up. Our spare room is currently packed full of shit computer adapters and sofas which we can’t bleeding use. Not to mention our lecturer has a habit of laughing at us and walking away whenever we ask for help, either he’s deaf or just a complete bastard. “Hmm, yeah Ken what does this Kanji say….yeah this one….oh yeah fine JUST WALK AWAY YOU PRICK, THOSE STUPID PINK SHIRTS LOOK SHIT, AND STOP HITTING ME WITH THAT GOD DAMN FAKE SWORD. I HATE YOU, YOUR EXISTENCE ANNOYS ME, JUST FUCK OFF!” Other than that he’s quite a nice guy actually.
It appears I’ve got quite off topic here; I did plan to try and relate our lovely launch to the gaming industry, something about how we are re-launching ourselves while Sony’s doing the same with the PS3 and PSP, so let’s hope we get the same luck as the PS3 seems to be having in recent months. But hey, right now I’m too annoyed to say that let alone make it seem meaningful.
Despite all this I look forward to the future of the site and all that it shall bless. I’ll be bringing many articles to the table, not about anything in particular, hopefully more controlled than this mess of an article but alas I’ll talk about anything recent and what is frustrating me at the time, and of course all to do with the gaming industry, so don’t worry, no article about my washing machine, unless I get a block sometime in the future then I might have to.
So don’t mind me I’ll be alright, I’ll just go back to learning some some ‘Little Stories’ about how to shut a dog up, waiting for a taxi and taking our important child to the hospital.
Happy Rocktober, I hope yours rocks than mine currently is. Peace out.

William Saw
October 13, 2009 at 7:37 pm
Hope you’re doing well Craig, keep fighting the system!