It’s time for another day today in the world of gaming.
Western Final Fantasy XIII Now Complete
Square Enix has announced that the ‘overseas version is finally complete’. They also state that it was being developed at the same time as the Japanese version in order to get it done as close as possible to the Japanese release date. So they decided to stop the stupid idea of developing the 360 version after the Japanese one was finished, have a gold star Square.
3D Dot Game Heroes Coming to Europe
Southpeak have finally stated that the 3D Dot Game Heroes will indeed be coming to Europe, and even better it will come out at the same time as the American release in May. Happy Days! In such a globalised industry having such huge waiting times for Europe should be a thing of the past and Southpeak knows this. Though it doesn’t stop the fact Tales of Vesperia was released 1 FUCKING YEAR after the American release.
EA in recent years has been doing better in the eyes of Gamers letting Activision become the big bad meany of the industry who release the same shit year after year. Despite a good line-up of titles. EA has lowered it’s forecast blaming it on the current economic climate and tough industry. Stocks have also dropped 70% since 2007. One former employee blames it on EA’s planning and business model saying “it’s been one expensive commercial disappointment for EA Games after another” with the likes of Spore, Dead Space and Mirrors Edge. He even goes as far as to say it’s a bankcrupt strategy.
I Am Alive. Just Not Until 2011
Not much had been said about I Am Alive in 2009. It’s not surprising since the game is no-where near completion. Ubisoft has said not to expect within the next fiscal year. So don’t expect to see it until at least April 2011. I believe this game was revealed too early. It would of been better to wait until this year’s E3 and then announce the title. It may suffer from ‘I no longer give a shit syndrome’ with such a long time between it being announced and released. What do they think it is? Final Fantasy XIII?
DSi XL’s European Release Date
Set your date’s for March 5th, the next DS the DSi XL will be released in Europe. With it’s bigger screen and bigger stylus. Oddly no US date has been announced, but don’t worry you can expect this baby sometime this quarter. I for one am waiting for the DSeye to be released. Expect the same features as a DSi only it’s implanted into your eye meaning you don’t ever have to carry it around or ever use your hands, just brilliant.