Nintendo will be in full force at San Diego Comic Con, showing off some of their biggest titles coming soon. Fans will be able to check out Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Star Fox 64 3D and much more at their Nintendo Gaming Lounge for Comic-Con attendees. The event will take place off-site at the San Diego Ballroom at the Marriott Marquis & Marina at 333 W. Harbor Drive, adjacent to the San Diego Convention Center.
Check out the list of games below:
Nintendo 3DS:
• Super Mario
• Mario Kart
• Kid Icarus: Uprising
• Star Fox 64™ 3D
• The Legend of Zelda™: Ocarina of Time™ 3D
• Pokédex™ 3D
• METAL GEAR SOLID® Snake Eater 3D from Konami
• Shinobi™ from SEGA®
• Super Street Fighter® IV 3D Edition from CAPCOM
• DEAD OR ALIVE® Dimensions from TECMO KOEI
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
• Kirby™ Wii
• Rhythm Heaven™
• Fortune Street™
• Captain America™: Super Soldier™ from SEGA
• Just Dance® 3 from Ubisoft®
Nintendo DS™ family of systems:
• Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker™ 2
Pokémon fans can take advantage of a special meet-up event between 4-6 p.m. at the gaming lounge, and can battle and trade in Pokémon Black and White versions, and trade date over the Pokédex 3D application on the 3DS.