Square Enix is out in full force showing off its North American lineup at San Diego Comic Con, during July 21-24. Attendees will have hands-on time with Dead Island, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and WAKFU.
In addition, the publisher is hosting panels for Dead Island and Deus Ex Human Revolution, details below.
Thursday July 21, 11:00 am: The World of 2027 in DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION: Join Eidos-Montreal community manager Kyle Stallock as he moderates a discussion between Mary DeMarle (lead writer, Eidos-Montreal) and Will Rossellini (CEO, MicroTransponder). The two will discuss the vision and moral landscape of transhumanism in DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION and compare it to current scientific advances in the field of bio-mechanical augmentation. Extended footage from the game will make its world debut at this can’t-miss session in room 5A. There will be a Q&A session following immediately after the panel.
Friday July 22, 7:30 pm: Find out what makes DEAD ISLAND’s zombies tick as GamePro’s science editor, Andrew Groen, joins Dead Island writer Haris Orkin, Harvard psychiatrist and author of The Zombie Autopsies, Dr. Steven C. Schlozman, author of The Zombie Survival Guide Max Brooks, and UC Berkeley’s neuroscience expert Brad Voytek to explore the misunderstood monsters in a panel that will be anything but dead simple. Shuffle to Room 8 to pick their brains.