As the release day to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword draws ever closer, Nintendo’s newest press release reveals these new tidbits of information on Eldin Volcano:
•Return to the Eldin Volcano and the Fire Sanctuary: Link travels back to this volcanic area to journey into the Fire Sanctuary, a dungeon that sits on top of the volcano’s summit.
•New Items: In the Fire Sanctuary, Link receives yet another new item – the Mogma Mitts. Using these, he is able to access underground tunnels by digging through soft patches in the ground to explore the subterranean areas in this dungeon.
•The Quest Continues: As Link makes his way through this treacherous area and continues on his quest to find and help Zelda™, a massive eruption throws him from atop the volcano.
•More Fun in the Skies: When Link returns to Skyloft he can look forward to a multitude of fun diversions, including Pumpkin Pull, a challenging game of target shooting that involves flying pumpkins.