Version 2 Games Limited, a subsidiary of Zen Technologies, India’s premier console development studio and publisher, announced today that its debut PlayStation 3 release – the brutal vehicle combat Smash ‘N’ Survive will be available on PSN on February 9th. Smash ‘N’ Survive will feature more than 30 unique cars that are all customizable, 10 massive destructible maps, badass weapons, a singleplayer campaign and split screen. As a huge fan of ‘car fighting’ games such as Twisted Metal I’m eagerly awaiting the release of this game. The price is still to be announced, but at least we have a release date.
Featuring 30 brutal concept cars, including muscle, agile, monster, buggy and SUV vehicles, racers compete across 10 fully destructible maps, in eight action packed gameplay competitions, including vehicle mêlée combat, demolition derby, group derby, plant the bomb, protect the convoy, chase, finding and escorting your team mate and checkpoint challenge. Smash ‘N’ Survive features campaign mode, two player split screen and six player online multiplayer will be available in April 2012 as free DLC. To fuel the mayhem and carnage each car can be customized with innovative melee weapons including a flame thrower, sonic boom, blades, magneto pulsar and duel saw.

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