Expect a lot of coin collecting, StreetPass functionality, and two player co-op to grace New Super Mario Bros. 2 for the Nintendo 3DS when it release this August.
Nintendo showed off the new Mario game during their 3DS Software Showcase Wednesday night.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 is focused around collecting coins. One million coins to be exact, which is the goal of the game. There will be a coin counter on the corner of the screen to help you keep track of the amount of coins you collected to reach the one million mark. A special prize will unlock after reaching the goal, but Nintendo is keeping silent on what exactly the surprise entails.
A few items were featured during the stage demo, including the Golden Fire Flower. This particularly item allowed the player to turn bricks and enemies into coins.
Mario Bros. 2 for the 3DS will also feature two player co-op and StreetPass functionality. Nintendo did not specify if the co-op will be supported by local wireless or a Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, but the entire single player story can be played over two player co-op.
The StreetPass functionality will include a new mode called “Coin Rush”, which will allow players to compete against strangers with StreetPass. When “Coin Rush” is activated, players will see their opponents top score on a single stage, and will have one life to beat it in a “speed run” fashion.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 will also be the first Nintendo 3DS game that will have multiple purchase options. Fans can either pick up the game in a retail store, or directly download the full game from the Nintendo eShop.
The game will launch Aug. 19, 2012.