It’s less than a week before Dead Space 3 hits shelves and new information has been released, detailing the different difficulty campaign modes unlocked after the first play through.
If you enjoy replaying great games, the Dead Space series has always given players different options to challenge themselves through their repeat battles against the necromorphs.
The first Dead Space had the standard new game + and the impossible difficulty. New game + lets players take their upgraded weapons and armor into another round of story, allowing for deeper exploration of the world without having to worry about what lies around the next corner. Playing on impossible increased enemy damage and health while making ammo, health and money pickups much more scarce.
Dead Space 2 introduced the hardcore difficulty. This mode doesn’t make the enemies as tough as they could be, but instead makes the outcome of every combat encounter more important than the last. Hardcore mode restricts players to three saves throughout the entire campaign, and when a player dies they are reverted back to their last save.
Now Dead Space 3 is taking the torch and doesn’t disappoint, freshening things up with even more modes for players to enjoy.
New Game+: Just like it has been in the previous two games. Bring your upgraded stats and weapons into another round.
Classic Mode: For players experienced with DS1. It uses a “classic aiming” system but its not clear how that actually changes things. It also removes the DS3 crafting system, requiring players to buy items from blueprints. Classic mode also needs to be played solo.
Pure Survival Mode: This mode puts an emphasis on resource management, a nod to the traditional survival horror gameplay. Enemies wont drop health or ammo. Instead they drop materials used for crafting, which force players to craft what they need when they get to a bench.
Hardcore Mode: Players only have one life to get through the entire game. A little different than the DS2 hardcore, and we will have to wait and see which one is the most hardcore.
It’s great to see that Visceral Games are giving the fans different options and encourage replaying the game for a different experience. Dead Space 3 will be here for PS3, PC and Xbox 360 on Feb. 5.