At DICE 2013 today, film director J.J. Abrams has revealed he will be working with Half-Life and Portal developer Valve on a new video game and cinematic films of the Valve franchises.
Abrams is in talks with Gabe Newell to create a brand new game with no links to Valve’s prior video games like Team Fortress, Half-Life, or Portal.
“Which is that we are really talking to Valve, we are going to be bringing on a writer, we have a lot of very interesting ideas,” Abrams said of the project.
Video game based movies haven’t been looked upon in a favorable light by those who play video games, nor by moviegoers. Who can dispute that? But Abrams is optimistic that he’ll be able to treat the gaming audience with respect. “We’re also aware of the cautionary tales of movies that became games and vice versa. Our goal here to is to treat the world Valve has created in both these properties like anyone would a book or some great story that comes from a pitch or original script — just to treat it with the respect they treat their games and their players with,” J.J. Abrams stated.
Vice versa, the storied film director is also interested in pushing his storytelling ideas in a video game with Valve. While Abrams was hush on the project, he cautioned that, “We’re not looking to make a movie in the gaming world, we’re not looking to impose what we do on that, we’re looking forward to taking some of our strengths and collaborating with some of these incredible minds that make some of my favorite games.”
Source: Polygon