Remember that first person shooter by Activision we were told they were making based on The Walking Dead TV show? Well guess what, it’s coming out in a month! You remembered right? Well Activision is here to remind us this game exists with a trailer and some preorder DLC details.
GameStop Herd Mode Challenge – How many frenzied flesh-eaters can you survive against before joining their ranks? Take on endless waves of walkers, each more dangerous than the last, in the all-new Herd Mode. Each wave of undead held off brings with it a new outbreak of hungry biters and new opportunities to rack up an even higher score.
Amazon Walker Execution Pack – Give yourself an edge (or five) with this ‘unique’ weapon kit. The Amazon Walker Execution Pack adds multiple melee options to your arsenal, including a survival knife, sawtoothed machete, kukri, reinforced hatchet, and advanced machete. With ammo scarce and the undead attracted to loud noises, a sharp, silent blade might just be your most trusted companion.