The Wii-U has had some notable releases recently in the form of ‘updated’ versions of year old games and they’re continuing this with a directors cut of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. There’s no mention of whether they’re going to release an update for the game for anyone who owns the game on other platforms, but the fact that it’s listed as being exclusive to the Wii-U means you shouldn’t get your hopes up.
The Director’s Cut offers a full slate of Wii U™ GamePad features including touch-screen hacking, interactive map editing, augmented sniping, grenade throwbacks and many other neural hub enhancements. Along with in-depth Miiverse™ integration, the Director’s Cut also provides access to developer commentaries and in-game guides.
Tongs’s Rescue mission and the entire Missing Link chapter have also been integrated seamlessly into the narrative flow of the Director’s Cut. Other core DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION augmentations include overhauled boss fights, refined game balance and combat, improved AI, and striking visual improvements which make this edition the best looking and most immersive Deus Ex experience available.