The update you have been waiting for all year! Go update your Wii U and witness the slightly faster menu transitions and experience the slightly smarter features which have been added.
This thing is a hefty, slow update. But now that you have a reason to turn on your Wii U this week thanks to Rayman you might as well spend the time upfront to get things updated to the current version.
Here is the full change log from Nintendo:
Version 3.0.0 U available via wireless Internet connection includes the following improvements:
New Features:
- A standby function to download and install software while the system is powered off
- Software purchased from the Nintendo eShop will automatically install in the background once the download is complete
- Holding down the B Button while the Wii U logo is displayed during startup will load the Wii Menu *¹
Changes to System Settings:
- An option to transfer and/or copy between two USB storage devices in “Data Management”
- To facilitate this feature, you will now be able to connect two USB storage devices to a single Wii U console*²
- The ability to select multiple software titles when transferring, copying, or deleting data in “Data Management”
- The option to adjust screen size is now available under “TV” *³
- “Auto Power-Down” has been renamed “Power Settings”
- Options for the standby function are located within this menu
Changes to Miiverse:
- Added support for the Wii Remote, Wii U Pro Controller, and Classic Controller
- Handwritten posts will now also display on the TV screen during creation
- “Undo” and “Redo” buttons are now available when creating a handwritten post
- Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings
Changes to Nintendo eShop:
- Software downloaded from the Nintendo eShop will include released updates and will no longer need to be updated after installation
- Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings
Changes to the Internet Browser:
- Added support for the Wii Remote and Wii U Pro Controller
- Added the option to change search engines when performing a keyword search
- Added the option to return to the start page from the bookmark menu
- Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings
Changes to Download Management:
- Added the option to change the priority of downloads
Improvements to system stability and usability:
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience