The week is over, and that means it’s time for another edition of the MonsterVine weekly news round-up. E3 2013 is next week, so you better rest while you can before the onslaught of gaming news hits us.
Along with your daily dose of news, we have two reviews for you to check out.
In our first review of the week, Diego Escala checks out Skyward Collapse, a turn-based strategy god-game from developer Arcen Games. Check out the review to find out if this small PC title is worth checking out:
In February 2012, Capcom released Resident Evil: Revelations for the Nintendo 3DS. The game received mostly positive responses from reviewers and consumers. A year later, Capcom has decided to port the title to home consoles. Does the handheld game hold up on the consoles, or does this port fail to capture the hearts of Resident Evil fans looking for a better entry in the series than Resident Evil 6 or Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City? Check out Gyorgy Brogyan’s review to find out:
Resident Evil: Revelations Review
Check out the news below:
Battle Tails Kickstarter Successfully Funded
Scourge: Outbreak Coming to Xbox Live Arcade in July
Path of Exile Begins Second Phase of Open Beta
Skyrim: Legendary Edition Now Available
Fantasia: Music Evolved Reveal
Divinity: Dragon Commander Development Update
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Ultimate Edition Coming to PC
Scurvy Scallywags in the Voyage to Discover the Ultimate Sea Shanty Now Available on iOS Devices
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Coming to North America
The Settlers Online: Castle Empire Discusses Science
Wolfenstein: The New Order E3 Trailer
Dragon’s Crown Wizard & Amazon Trailer
Kiefer Sutherland Confirmed to Voice Big Boss
The Lone Ranger Playset Coming To Disney Infinity
New Lego Marvel Super Heroes Screenshots
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII E3 Trailer
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 E3 2013 Trailer
Check out the news below: