In celebration of the third anniversary of StarCraft II, Blizzard is lifting the one race restriction from their free to play, extended demo version of it’s starter edition.
The starter edition of StarCraft II is basically just a robust demo experience of the full version. Anyone can signup for a free account and have access to first five single player missions as well as a sample of the mulitplayer(against AI only). When it first debuted players could only experience the Terran in their multiplayer AI battles, but now everyone can dip their toes into the Zerg and Protoss races without having to buy the game first.
Blizzard also recently brought the ability for a person who has purchased StarCraft II can ‘spawn’ in a friend who is just using the starter edition and have the full StarCraft II multiplayer experience together. For more details on spawning, check out this video:
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]suSNRTCkDbQ[/youtube]