It’s time to catch up on all your MonsterVine content before you party the weekend away. Let us know in the comments what games you plan on playing this weekend.
Along with your daily dose of news, we have three reviews and an interview for you to check out.
With Comic Con only a week away, the Deadpool video game is the perfect warm-up dish for the geek filled event. But is the game any fun? It’s had a rough go with reviewers for the past few weeks, but Diego Escala has done you a solid and brought you his own review of the comic book game. Check it out here to find out if it’s worth the time, and money:
The Mortal Kombat reboot has received a lot of praise. It’s now found its way onto PC in the form of the Komplete Edition, the same edition that released last year. We reviewed that edition of the game last year, but Diego checked it out again to see how the game holds up on the PC:
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition Review
The Walking Dead game by Telltale games was one of the best titles to release in 2012. Its focus on story and character development made it standout amongst the typical AAA games that came out. A little over year after the first episode of the zombie drama released, Telltale games has delivered DLC for the game, titled 400 Days. Diego checked out this new episode to see if it captures the same emotions of the first season of the Walking Dead game. Check out his review here:
The Walking Dead: 400 Days Review
We got a chance to sit down with Liam Brenner, executive producer behind the Walking Dead Escape, an obstacle course set in the Walking Dead universe. Fans of everything Walking Dead can run the obstacle course at this year’s Comic Con. Check out the interview to learn a little more about the event:
The Walking Dead Escape – Q & A With Liam Brenner
Check out the news below:
Duke Nukem Platformer Pack Trailer
Destiny E3 Walkthrough Now Available
DARK Sneaks Out a Launch Trailer
Come Interact with Divinity: Dragon Commander
Grand Theft Auto V – Gameplay Trailer
Murdered: Soul Suspect E3 Walkthrough
Happy Gaming