Konami just detailed some info on what sort of DLC data will be available to anyone who plays Ground Zeroes and then purchases Phantom Pain. There’s also going to be a second screen app on iOS and Android that will allow you to view the map or play audio cassettes. Konami also revealed that they’re cutting the price of the PS4/XB1 versions of the game to match the last-gen versions with a $30 physical and $20 digital price.
First, it was revealed that those who purchase METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES early on will receive exclusive DLC for use within THE PHANTOM PAIN. The DLC will only be available in the first batch of the retail version and for a limited period of time for the digital version. The DLC provides players with additional resources for a Mother Base area that will be available in THE PHANTOM PAIN. Mother Base is introduced during the events of GROUND ZEROES and plays a central role in the forthcoming METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. Unlocked through downloadable code, the added staff for Mother Base will give GROUND ZEROES players an edge when they take on THE PHANTOM PAIN.
In addition, anyone that purchases GROUND ZEROES will be able to unlock exclusive content within the game to carry-over to THE PHANTOM PAIN. Prisoners of war and VIPs rescued in GROUND ZEROS will be added to the Mother Base staff in THE PHANTOM PAIN, providing GROUND ZEROES players an early in-game advantage; character skins will also be able to be carried over.