Insert obligatory For Whom the Bell Tolls joke. Murdered: Soul Suspect is set to release this June on all major platforms except for the Wii-U.

Hi, what are you looking for?
Insert obligatory For Whom the Bell Tolls joke. Murdered: Soul Suspect is set to release this June on all major platforms except for the Wii-U.
Square Enix just confirmed that Murdered: Soul Suspect will be releasing on June 3rd later this year.
Publisher Square Enix has announced Murdered: Soul Suspect will be arriving on Xbox One and Playsation 4 when it releases June 2014.
Gamescom gets spooky with a new trailer for Murdered: Soul Suspect, due for release next year on current gen platforms and PC.
Get a look at the full demo walkthrough of Murdered: Soul Suspect from E3 last month.
E3 Is madness. Although two new consoles are being shown, things feel somehow less spectacular and dialed back. I am going to do my...