Westerado: Double Barreled is the enhanced premium version of the Adult Swim free browser based game created by developer Ostrich Banditos. It’s an open world western themed pixelated adventure game that seems similar to the original Legend of Zelda in terms of exploration. Westerado even starts you off in a house just like The Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past.
Developer: Ostrich Banditos
Price: $14.99
Platform: PC
A review copy of Westerado: Double Barreled was supplied to us.
In Westerdao Double Barreled you play as an unnamed cowboy out on the hunt for the man or woman that murdered your family. The cool thing about Westerado is that you can draw your gun at any time, including during conversations. If you don’t like a certain person you encounter in the game just pull out your six shooter and kill him or her, even main characters.
The gameplay consists of a bunch of shooting missions mixed with some conversation based missions to give Westerado some variety. The first mission you get, your mother tells you to help your brother out with herding buffalo. After the initial tutorial that must be done, your family is killed and you must end your brother’s suffering and set off to your uncle’s house to track down the killer. After this you get your first clue of the killer’s identity.
From this point on, you can explore all you want, so I decided to head to an old mine. When I got to the entrance, a woman asked me to go inside and find her husband, or whatever is left of him. I obliged the young lady and entered the mine, which happened to be overrun with outlaws. This mission ended up being pretty heavy on gunplay, but that’s not a bad thing.
You can only shoot left or right which to me isn’t that difficult to get used to, but I’d still prefer if you could shoot in the standard 8 directions, or at least the basic 4 instead of only 2. You reload with the L Trigger and draw your weapon with the Right Button, firing with the R Trigger. Instead of hearts like in Zelda, your health is represented by 3 little cowboy hats, and sometimes you can shoot off peoples hats and pick them up, similar to gaining hearts from fallen enemies. There are also multiple playable characters to unlock and new weapons to buy as well.
The game world isn’t terribly big so you can walk across it in a matter of minutes, but there’s plenty to do. The single playthrough only takes a few hours, but Westerado: Double Barreled features a perma-death game mode for diehard fans to test their mettle.
The music in Westerado: Double Barreled is pretty well made and fits the western adventure style quite nicely. The one drawback to the soundtrack is that it loops frequently, almost like right when it starts hitting its stride. Other than that, I really like the retro art style and the direction they went with the music.
Westerado: Double Barreled features local co op so you and a friend can have a retro romp through the wild west just like you always wanted. I tried co op out with my brother and it was pretty fun, I just wish Westerado : Double Barreled supported online co op.
Check out the trailer for Westerado: Double Barreled below:
The Final Word
Overall, I think Westerado: Double Barreled is a solid western action adventure experience that’s fun and won’t break your bank or take up too much of your time, and who doesn’t like a good revenge story every once in a while.
– MonsterVine Rating: 3.5 out of 5 – Fair