A new trailer has been released for Star Wars Battlefront, showing off gameplay of the Fighter Squadron mode. The trailer showcases numerous different playable ships, including the Millennium Falcon and Slave I.
Star Wars Battlefront releases for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 17th in North America, and November 20th in Europe.

September 16, 2015 at 11:03 am
Heh, this was a good movie and a little glimps of that how we will fight in the sky. There are now gampelays form the ground and sho new modes in Battlefront. Tyer longer than 2 monutes:) Also a good movies are from Snioer Ghost Warrior 3, which presents how lone wolf can be deadly. Using features of open world and crafting one man can be very very dangerous. And thats what im waitnig for.