Today during the Square Enix Presents live stream, Square Enix announced a new tie-in game to Final Fantasy XV. It is a retro-style action brawler called A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV.
Set 30 years before the events of Final Fantasy XV, it stars a young King Regis. Within the context of the Final Fantasy XV, it is framed as Regis telling Noctis a bedtime story about his adventures.
It features classic Final Fantasy monsters, magic, summons, and special companion characters, including a young Cid.
A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV will be available alongside the main game on September 30, 2016, for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is a retailer-exclusive, and will be included for free with copies of the game pre-ordered from GameStop.
It is still too soon for them to show any gameplay, but the first trailer will be at Comic-Con.
At this point, it’s unclear if it will be available at any other retailers, including Square Enix’s own store, or if it will remain exclusive forever.