At Bionik Gaming‘s Happy Hour event, the gaming accessory company gave us the first look at what products are to come for the Nintendo Switch.
Given that the Nintendo Switch’s internal batteries are pretty subpar, the folks at Bionik have a Power Plate that involves a portable battery kit and charging doc for the console. The charge kit, a 4,500mAh li-ion battery pack, can be latched on to the Joy-Cons to function as a controller. It also serves as a portable charger to the Switch console, via a Type-C adapter.
Next up is a USB 3.0 Giganet Adapter for those Switch owners who want more of a dedicated network solution in their households. Designed specifically for the Switch, the grill pattern serves as a workaround for the console ventilation found in the back of the Nintendo Switch dock.
Those who have multiple Switches in their household would want to not only check out the Power Plate Duo but the Tetra Power charging doc which powers up to four Joy-Con controllers at once. With built-in cable management, the charger also attaches to the Nintendo Switch doc with ease.
And finally, a Rapid Charge Kit differentiates itself from the marketplace with woven shielding design, reaching up to 6 feet. Specific to this Type-C charger, the 15V output aligns with the specific power requirements of the Switch HDMI/Charging Doc.
For more information, check out the Bionik Gaming website and for further updates at E3 2017.