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Playstation 4 Reviews

Super Bomberman R Revisit – Super Konami Bros.

The recent multiplatform release of Super Bomberman R is definitely the best way to play the game, as the included characters and newly released v2.01 patch combine to make this the ultimate Bomberman package. While there are still hiccups that were present in the original game, Super Bomberman R is, undeniably, quite fun.

Super Bomberman R
Developer: Konami
Price: $39.99
Platforms: PS4 (reviewed), Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
MonsterVine was provided with a PS4 code for review.

For clarity, this isn’t a review of the original release of Super Bomberman R, which I reviewed for the Switch last year. Rather, this is a re-evaluation of Super Bomberman R’s recently released version and all of the additional content included in this multiplatform definitive edition.

The major new inclusions in Super Bomberman R are the playable characters. Almost every major Konami franchise is represented, from major titles like Silent Hill and Castlevania to old-school classics like Goemon and Gradius. Each console has its own exclusive character as well, including the likes of Ratchet & Clank, Master Chief, and Portal’s Peabody. As of the v2.01 patch, characters from even more series, like Metal Gear and Contra, are available as well, alongside a new Mother Base stage. The plethora of new characters all have their own unique abilities as well, making them more than just palette swap.

The biggest issue is that the majority of the characters must be purchased in the store (which, fear not, is run entirely with in-game currency). Earning coins to unlock each character isn’t impossible, but it’s a needless amount of extraneous work, especially when those same coins are also used to purchase stages and accessories. Having to play a number of matches to unlock Solid Snake or Pyramid Head is a pain, because though the game is fun, you want to play as the characters advertised to you.

The cost of refilling your lives on any difficulty mode but Beginner is still needless and frustrating …

Online play on the PS4 is smooth, as I rarely had any lag or input delay while playing. I had a few opponents rage-quit on me, which seemed to be of little consequence, but that’s to be expected of most online games.

The story is still charming and full of lovably hammy characters and pleasantly cartoony cutscenes. The cost of refilling your lives on any difficulty mode but Beginner is still needless and frustrating, especially when so many new characters require those valuable coins to be made available.

The Final Word
Super Bomberman R’s new content has definitely improved upon Super Bomberman R. While there are some issues that are still present from the original release, the new content and added characters add on to the already addictive core gameplay inherent to Bomberman.

Written By

Stationed in the barren arctic land of Canada, Spencer is a semi-frozen Managing Editor who plays video games like they're going out of style. His favourite genres are JRPGs, Fighting Games, and Platformers.

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