Annual Dumpster Fire Moment – Activision Blizzard
Tom: I spent years working in MMOs and the “WoW killer” was the holy grail. We never achieved it, obviously. Who knew they’d play themselves so completely and hilariously? Just a complete dismantling of what was once the most revered company in games.
Samantha: With each piece of news, it just got worse and worse.
Diego: Imagine a fuck up so bad it causes you to delay multiple games AND you get bought out by another company. It’s wild how bad it started, and just snowballed worse and worse as the news trickled out. And the best part is the millionaires responsible for a lot of it get off scot-free with a fat new paycheck!
Spencer: You know it’s bad when one of my professors allowed a student to use this entire situation as a project about reporting on traumatized individuals who were wronged.