When you look at MultiVersus, you probably immediately notice its insane roster and Smash Bros.-like concept. I wouldn’t fault you for thinking such a weird mash-up is little more than a cash-in based on nostalgia and memes. And in a way, it kind of is, but the core of MultiVersus is surprisingly strong given the wacky premise.
The smooth combat of MultiVersus surprised me right off the bat. It doesn’t have the feel of a cash grab, it has the feel of a real platform fighter. There are in-depth mechanics, advanced tutorials, and team-based mechanics that make MultiVersus feel like its own thing. There’s a distinct flavor to it that other Smash Bros. clones typically don’t manage to pull off. This is largely because it focuses on teams and teamwork, which could make for a neat new kind of platform fighter.
The combined aesthetic they’re going for is reminiscent of PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale, which was one of the more unique parts of that game. Unlike Smash Bros., the different series collide in the stages as well as through battles. You can see Acme crates from Looney Tunes in the Themyscira stage, and I hope they lean into that wacky combination more in the full game. I think mixing tonally-mismatched franchises could be a blast, and add some extra goofiness to the game.
I also find the roster to be fascinating. Given the franchises represented here, from Game of Thrones to Scooby-Doo, I think a focus on being as eccentric and varied as possible would be good for the game. It already has the weirdest roster of any game like this, so lean into it and attract more people with sheer curiosity. I’m a bit wary of the reliance on memes thus far, as Ultra Instinct Shaggy was funny, but seeing it implemented into a game feels a bit weird. With a roster like this though, I’m sure memes will arise either way, so I truly hope they get bizarre with the roster in the full release.
Since MultiVersus will be free-to-play and focused on battle passes with costumes for monetization, it will be interesting to see how fair the “free” aspect is. This game could definitely be a big success if it pulls it off right, as a free alternative to Smash Bros. with characters like Batman and Shaggy could be a lot of fun. We’ll find out for sure when MultiVersus launches later this year.