MonsterVine was provided with a PS5 code for the Mortal Kombat 1 Stress Test that took place last weekend.
As a longtime Mortal Kombat fan, I was quite excited to dive into the Mortal Kombat 1 Stress Test. Mortal Kombat 11 really grabbed me when it was released, so I was more than ready to return to a NetherRealm Studios fighter after the decent wait since Mortal Kombat 11’s last substantial update. Thankfully, I was quite impressed with what was on display.
Only a few characters were available in the test, though each was a blast to use in their own right. Kenshi’s return is a very welcome one, particularly since his moveset feels especially sharp (and looks especially cool) this time around. Hits are satisfying and though I always have to adjust to holding a button to block instead of walking backwards, once I get into the flow of things, the controls feel completely natural.
The Kameo fighters are a fun idea that adds a layer of extra depth to each fight. Having a classic-looking Kano jump out to laser somebody gives the game a tag-team feeling while also giving you an extra tool with which to handle opponents. I look forward to seeing how higher level play handles Kameo fighters and I’m curious to see if any characters will only serve as cameo fighters instead of being both playable and Kameos.
The visuals of Mortal Kombat 1 are impressive, with the Fatalities being especially gruesome this time around. Ever since I was a kid who wasn’t supposed to play Mortal Kombat, ridiculous fatalities have stood out to me as a wonderful constant in the gaming industry, Seeing them given even further goofy detail is the cherry on top of Mortal Kombat 1 thus far.
I do hope the full game leans a bit further into the darker and more sinister tone of previous games prior to Mortal Kombat 11, but the brighter tone established in the last entry seems to be more prevalent here.
Though given this is a stress test and we’re still in the early days, I came away from Mortal Kombat 1 with plenty of confidence in the upcoming entry. The Kameo fighter system will make for some dynamic gameplay for both newcomers and pros alike, while the core gameplay is undoubtedly strong.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how the roster of the game pans out, as I’d love for some forgotten favorites like Havik and Onaga to get their due alongside classic characters like Johnny Cage and Raiden. Regardless, the wait until the full game launches on September 19 this year will certainly feel like a long one.