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Smithsonian Begins Voting For Video Game Exhibition

The Smithsonian is opening up an exhibition in 2012 known as The Art Of Video Games. The exhibit will showcase 40-Years of evolution in video games, focusing on visual effects, the creative use of new technologies, and the most influential artists and designers in the industry. Smithsonian has begun the voting process, and they have opened it up to the public to decide. The games have been narrowed down to 240 titles, and after voting, 80 will be featured in the exhibit. The Smithsonian notes that “this is an art exhibition, so be sure to vote for games that you think are visually spectacular or boast innovative design!”

Exhibition curator Chris Melissinos, picked the games on the ballot. He worked with members of the museum and an advisory group that consisted of developers, designers, industry pioneers, and journalists.

The exhibit will run between March 16, 2012 and September 30, 2012. If you are interested in voting, or reading more about the voting process and the exhibit itself, head on over to voting website. Personally I am very excited about this exhibit, and will be voting right away.

Source: Los Angeles Times

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