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Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie (SB’s version), part 3

Get some popcorn and enter the theater, cause here comes part 3 of my imagined Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie!

Part 3

(The scene of the cafeteria fades to black)

Damien(voiceover): Okay, guys; take a look!

(the lights suddenly come up on the scene of a practice area. A drum set is off to the left, behind an amp. A mic stands next to this amp, with another amp nearby Matt’s guitar.)

Matt: So THAT’s what you’ve been doing all morning while I was at work!

Damien: Had the day off, so I figured as long as we were starting a band, I’d make the practice room while you were gone.

Iris: It’s very nice–beats a garage by far! (she runs by the amp on the left, sets down an instrument case, and opens it; revealing a deep blue bass guitar. After plugging it into the amp, she starts to tune it.)

(Damien, meanwhile, begins configuring the three amps while Matt tunes his guitar. Twila steps to her mic and taps it to see if it’s on.)

Twila: Check, testing, testing, one two…

Damien: Sound’s like you’re on, but I’m turning you down just a bit here… (he adjusts a few knobs)

(Iris notices Twila softly humming a note and making purring noises into her mic.)

Iris: What’s with the sound effects?

Twila: It’s what I do to warm up before I sing–it was either that or all those “ah-ee-eh-oh-oo” warm ups the choirs on campus use.

Iris: You’re better suited for singing rock than some kind of Latin chant. (Twila just smiles at this)

Twila: Latin chanting’s overrated by far.

Damien: Except in the context of a video game–then they’re cool. (with that, he retreats to the drum set)

(The scene fades to show everyone at their instruments)

Matt: Before we play anything, what are we going to name the band?

Iris: Nothing gory, please.

Damien: And on the other side of the coin, nothing cutesy.

(Twila, meanwhile, makes a note of the stars she sees in the room: the star on her shirt, the star shaped barette in Iris’ hair, the star cut emerald in Matt’s class ring, and the image of a shooting star on Damien’s shirt)

Twila: Estrellas?

Matt: Huh?

Twila: It’s Spanish for “stars”…it sounds cool, and hints at the stars we’re all wearing.

Damien: Now that I think about it, it has a nice ring to it!

Iris: Any objections or better ideas?

(crickets chirp)

Iris: Then the Estrellas it is!

Matt: Let’s rock!

(With that, Damien leads the group into “I Love Rock n’ Roll”. The scene of our heroes performing fades out after a while into the scene of a desert highway, where a lone black car is traveling)

(As we look closer at the car, we see it decorated with lightning bolts, some of which spell “Thunder Rising.” The car’s passengers are dressed very much like their transport: all black, with the occasional lightning bolt.)

(As we ride along with the four black clad boys, one of them spots a tour bus, presumably for another band, off in the distance)

Boy #1: Off to our turf, are they?

Boy #2: Let’s give’em a ride they won’t forget! (he reaches to turn on the radio, which begins blaring “Highway Star” as the car speeds off down the road to catch the bus)

(as the song plays, a frantic drag race reminescent of the opening cut scene in Rock Band unfolds as the car and the bus try to bump each other off the road. When the song ends, both vehicles are miraculously unscatched, but the bus has pulled off the road in hopes the car will show mercy)

Boy #2: Later, suckers! (as the car speeds off down the road, we see a road sign that reads Moonvale, 20 miles)

To Be Continued….

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