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The N3 Newswire for September 24

Here’s the latest Nintendo news:

Could advertising kill gaming creativity?
Why doesn’t the media take gaming seriously? (SB’s pick!)
Happy birthday, Myst!
Early reports indicate that Sonic Chronicles may be a good game
KORG-DS convention coming to Japan
How will we get our games next gen? (SB’s pick!)
Do used game markets need reform?
I hope Ninty’s working on a storage solution for Guitar Hero 4…
Rethinking the princess in gaming (SB’s pick!)
What this source thinks we will see next gen
Coming soon to Europe from EA
New scan of Chrono Trigger DS
Where Honey trees are in Platinum
How to get gaming into the Middle East
Pix from the Lego Batman launch party
Have Mario guard your DS
Learn about the making of Tales of Hearts through the official developer blog
What to expect at this year’s E For All
Getting to know Mario’s VA (SB’s pick!)
Who actually benefits from Wii MotionPlus?
–The birth of Guitar Hero (SB’s pick!)
Games our comfort food in these tough times?
Pix from the Phoenix Wright concert (in Japanese)
New info on 7th Dragon
Game moments you probably don’t want your family to see

Stay tuned for breaking news and updates throughout the day.

Happy gaming,

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