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Far Cry 2 in Home – Where’s Home?

Far Cry 2 is now in Home, of course it’s still in Closed Beta and everyone wants to know where the hell Home is, but fret not, November 19th should be approaching soon, that’s the rumoured date it’s going to be released.

So you can pretty much check out some in-game environments and learn more about the African landscape and about Reuben through his office. Check out the screens below!

Far Cry 2 is in Home!Far Cry 2 is in Home!Far Cry 2 is in Home!

Far Cry 2 comes Home today [PS BLOG]

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1 Comment

  1. shadowjak

    October 18, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    Honestly, if it’s Nov 19th I’ll laugh. That is when the new live happens.

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