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THQ and Activision Lock Horns Over Box Art

Video game giants THQ are suing Activision-Blizzard over allegations of box art copyright violation. The two games in question, Score International Baja 1000 by Activision-Blizzard, and Baja Edge of Control by THQ, share elements that THQ claim are “virtually identical” to each other.

THQ have contacted Activision already, asking them to make alternative arrangements for the box art, but as of this moment Activision are refusing to do so.

“If Activision is not enjoined from its impending release of the Activision Game bearing the [similar packaging art], THQ will suffer damages in an amount as yet unknown, but in excess of the jurisdictional minimum of this court and to be determined at trial,” says THQ in its complaint. “THQ also would be entitled to Activision’s profits from the sale of the Activision Game…” (Taken from the law suit).

And now for your viewing pleasure, the box art in question (this made me chuckle):

I think I see their point.

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  1. Will

    October 28, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    If I was a parent who knew nothing about video games and if my son/daughter asked me to buy a game named Baja, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.

  2. Mark

    October 28, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    How did they honestly think they could get away with it?

  3. MegaClank

    October 28, 2008 at 5:30 pm

    The E10 makes the difference. XD

  4. SparklingBlue

    October 28, 2008 at 8:34 pm

    The differences I can tell include the shapes of the trucks, the color of the blue one, the design on the red one, how much dirt is being thrown up, and where the trucks appear the racing.

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