CD PROJEKT RED has announced a release date for the upcoming Witcher 3 expansion, Blood and Wine. The expansion will release on May 31st for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, CD PROJEKT RED Game Director commented:
“Blood and Wine makes The Witcher 3 complete it’s Geralt’s final mission. Containing more than 90 new quests, and over thirty hours of brand new adventures, it’s something that I think gamers will remember for a long time. There’s also a massive amount of features we’re giving gamers with this expansion like a dynamic Point of Interest system, a new Gwent deck, new endgame mutation mechanics, and even a place Geralt can call home…. And it’s all happening in a new region as big as No Man’s Land in the base game.”
There will be a limited physical box edition of the game’s expansion, which will contain physical versions of the Northern Realms and Nilfgaard Gwent decks.
For more information on The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine, check out the trailer above, as well as the game’s official website here.