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SB’s Hypotheticals: If You Met Reggie…

GoNintendo’s final post of yesterday inspired me to write a new feature: Hypotheticals, where I will pose a hypothetical question about the gaming world, its history, and its people for you guys to answer.

Our first Hypothetical is this: You’re out and about one day and you happen to run into the head honcho of Nintendo of America. (or the head of your local Nintendo branch) You have the opportunity to ask him ONE gaming related question–so what do you ask?

If I happened to meet Reggie on the street, I would ask him “What is the typical process for localizing games for the NA market?”

Why do I ask this? I’ve always enjoyed making fan translations of Japanese songs, and would be interested in learning how pros do it, straight from the head honcho.

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  1. Darkandroid

    January 10, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    I would probably ask him “Where’s the hardcore game?” while holding a chainsaw.

  2. Andy

    January 10, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    I would ask him to play the entire Imagine series and pretend to enjoy it.  See how long it takes him to crack.

  3. rickytheleaf

    January 10, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    I would ask what the approval process is for Wiiware games, because I swear some of those games get a green light without ever being looked at.
    And one more question I would ask him, where is Pikmin 3 lol

  4. Project Sora

    January 10, 2009 at 9:36 pm

    Hey, Ricky! (It’s Francis).
    Hmm, as for myself… I think I’d ask him if he actually likes some of the products he advertises. I can’t help but think there’s just no way a person can sanely like some of the Wii titles.

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