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The Gamer Girl’s Survival Kit

In response to “gamer’s survival kit” article that seemed clearly aimed at guys…I thought I would respond from a lady’s perspective.

I think we can all agree that yeah, we do need food, something to fix said food, a console, a phone and someplace comfy to play; but here’s a few things I have on hand with me in addition to the essentials above:


Whether you lost circulation in your legs or your playing spot is the prime target of the air conditioner, it always feels good when you’re warm. And a warm gamer is a happy one. If the blanket is one of those huge and thick ones, extra points for you.

–Snack foods

The article mentioned having a microwave and a variety of TV dinners on hand (or a phone to order pizza/takeout), but what if you’re too engrossed in your adventure to even cook? Go find some chips/Cheetos/popcorn/party mix/etc. This way you don’t even have to use the microwave (except maybe for popcorn.) My favorites are crackers, pretzels, popcorn, and peanuts.

–Strategy guide

Whether it’s that big thick book you got with the game, a buddy that knows where everything is, or a thick stack of paper printed from GameFAQs; it’s always nice to have some help in case you get stuck. Or to learn just how in the heck you beat that boss that keeps mowing you down, never mind that your characters are lv. 99 and have the best everything.


If you want to fall asleep dreaming of gaming, have some of these handy. Bonus: it’ll help you see your TV (or handheld) better and feel good to your head if you’re playing while lying down.

–Soap and rags

This is to clean the sweat from your hands, with the added bonus of making your controls smell nice. Jut be sure and dry off before resuming play, lest you want your controls to slip from your soapy hands.


Sometimes the in-game music just isn’t cutting it. So keep some CDs or MP3s of your favorite bands handy as a backup. Or better, music from other games.


It’s important to have some light when playing, particularly when you want to play at night. Not only is this easier on the eyes than the “movie theater” effect, it also makes it easier to see what is going on if you’re on a handheld.

So there you have it…my gaming survival kit.

Happy gaming,

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