Capcom is teasing the next installment of its popular survival horror franchise, Resident Evil 6. Sources at Ripten note an image sent from a...
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Capcom is teasing the next installment of its popular survival horror franchise, Resident Evil 6. Sources at Ripten note an image sent from a...
Bioware held a nerd march last Saturday at Comic Con to commemorate a contest for fans of Female Shepard. On the Official Mass Effect...
The new Twisted Metal game will recieve a Mature rating when it releases October, as developer Eat Sleep Play are currently reworking the game...
The downloadable HD versions of Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X has a release date for September. According to Gamespot, at Capcom’s...
UTV Ignition released a full-length trailer for El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron due for release August 16 on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3....
See kids don’t do augmentations on your body. They’re bad for you. Square Enix released a live action ‘viral video’ setting up the major...
A whopper of news regarding Batman: Arkham City just released out of San Diego Comic Con including a Penguin trailer, Talia al Ghul reveal,...