Activision and Radical Entertainment has announced an unexpected sequel, Prototype 2. Players take the role of Sergent James Keller who becomes a mutated monster...
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Activision and Radical Entertainment has announced an unexpected sequel, Prototype 2. Players take the role of Sergent James Keller who becomes a mutated monster...
Electronic Arts brings the fight for Earth in the latest installment of the sci-fi franchise, Mass Effect 3. The teaser trailer shows a besieged...
Bethseda has announced new details about the newly revealed The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The official company Twitter account made mention that the game...
On Friday night, hosted its 2nd Annual Inside Gaming Awards show at the Hollywood/Highland venue Marbella. MonsterVine had the opportunity to see the...
MonsterVine represented at the Inside Gaming Awards 2010 and here are our photos. We have more photos in the queue still but we...
The threequel in the franchise, Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is revealed for the Playstation 3 for ‘late 2011’ as Entertainment Weekly reports....
Andriasang posted new details from the latest issue of Famitsu in regards to Resident Evil Revelations for Nintendo DS. Revelations takes place on a...