Halo Wars: Universe Expanded describes the story of Halo and the ongoing struggle of humanity against the Covenant across its four game titles. The...
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Halo Wars: Universe Expanded describes the story of Halo and the ongoing struggle of humanity against the Covenant across its four game titles. The...
Given the current situation of Midway and its struggle to stay afloat as a company has resulted in proposing monetary incentives for its top...
To give a brief introduction, if you recalled that one guy who did the voiceover for when we introduced MonsterVine’s PS3 writer, Craig Ballard...
A man held up a woman at gunpoint but in fact the gun used as a Master System pistol. The woman owed him 42...
Its that time again. Welcome to MonsterVine’s fourth episode of its premiere integral semi-current, every other Wednesday video game podcast – The Vine. Joining...
Xbox Live will be getting the Sam and Max love as the first two seasons of the brilliant adventure game will be coming to...
In the MMO realm of news today, Sony Online Entertainment has announced that its upcoming kid friendly, child approved MMO, Free Realms has entered...