News Tyranny Heads to a November Release Obsidian Entertainment and Paradox have announced an November 10 release for Tyranny. William SawOctober 23, 2016
Previews AdventureQuest 3D Preview AdventureQuest 3D marks the beginning of a new era when it hits Open Beta this October and MonsterVine had a chance to check out... William SawOctober 18, 2016
News HITMAN Season Finale Takes Place October 31 Io Interactive’s season finale for HITMAN will take place in Hokkaido, Japan October 31, 2016. William SawOctober 17, 2016
Video World of Final Fantasy Playable Demo Coming Soon Square Enix will release a playable demo for World of Final Fantasy on the PlayStation Store this October 17. William SawOctober 15, 2016
Reviews Mafia 3 Review Mafia 3 is a bold, ambitious take on the classic revenge tale that attempts to weave unexplored topics in video game form. William SawOctober 14, 2016
Screenshots ARKTIKA.1 Sends You to a Post-Apocalyptic Virtual Reality 4A Games has surfaced with ARKTIKA.1, a new VR first-person shooter designed for the Oculus Touch set for release in Q2 2017. William SawOctober 7, 2016
Screenshots Power Rangers: Mega Battle Morphs a January Release Bandai Namco has announced Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as a digital release this January 2017. William SawOctober 7, 2016