Editor-in-Chief, Writer/Reporter, Event Coverage
I used to play a lot more games.
Distiller & Co-owner of Ballmer Peak Distillery
Follow me on twitter:
@DistillerAustin and do something with circles: Google+
My other Projects:
Director for Australian Based Charity: GenerOzity
Weekly Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: I Speak Giant
In a worldwide Pokemon specific Nintendo Direct, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced two new Pokemon games coming to 3DS to Japan, USA, Europe and Australia...
The co-developmental team that brought us Sine Mora is releasing their next project on XBLA next week. Suda 51’s Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital Reality have teamed...
Anomaly Korea takes the innovative tower offense formula established in Warzone Earth and addresses criticisms while continuing to push the limits of mobile visuals.