Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment has announced that the first DLC for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will feature a previously untold story, revolving around...
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This review contains spoilers for the second episode of Batman: The TellTale Series. The third episode of Batman: The TellTale Series is less eventful...
Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment has announced that the first DLC for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will feature a previously untold story, revolving around...
Activision has released two new videos for the upcoming Skylanders Imaginators, celebrating the 20th anniversary of everyone’s favorite marsupial, Crash Bandicoot.
Come on now…Bethesda is teasing up another trailer for Human Head Studios Prey 2. The protagonist has teleported out of Earth into another extraterritorial...
Konami is bringing its starred franchises to the HD consoles: Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders, and Silent Hill. Both Metal Gear Solid...
So you’re a young Lara Croft eager, anxious, and a tad naive to explore the world around you, when suddenly tragedy strikes your expedition...
The mysterious, elusive XCOM has finally resurfaced out of its development shadows with a brand new trailer and a release date: March 6, 2012....
Well, not excatly professional business, but more like the the business you come to expect from Duke. Gearbox Software released the launch trailer for...
Yeow, scratch, sniff! Warner Bros/Rocksteady announced that Catwoman will be a playable character in Batman: Arkham City. Be forewarned, the trailer is kinda slutty....
Mass Effect 3 may utilize Microsoft’s motion technology Kinect. The box art for the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 3 shows a “Better...