Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment has announced that the first DLC for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will feature a previously untold story, revolving around...
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This review contains spoilers for the second episode of Batman: The TellTale Series. The third episode of Batman: The TellTale Series is less eventful...
Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment has announced that the first DLC for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will feature a previously untold story, revolving around...
Activision has released two new videos for the upcoming Skylanders Imaginators, celebrating the 20th anniversary of everyone’s favorite marsupial, Crash Bandicoot.
New screenshots for Bethesda’s behemoth The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have released for viewing consumption.
Bethesda released the first batch of in-game screens for Human Head Studio’s Prey 2. The screens showcase protagonist Killian Samuels travelogues on the alien...
Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment revealed a new character for Dungeon Siege III, the enigmatic Reinhard Manx, who is one of the four playable...
The revival of the 90’s is here, Mortal Kombat hits retailers today at the suggested retail price of $59.99 moolahs. Two special editions of...
Sonic Generations, the next major game in the franchise, will release this holiday season on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 as SEGA announced today....
If you waited to pre-order RAGE you’re in luck as Bethesda has announced that everyone who pre-orders the game in North America from Gamestop,...
Are you ready to get your Ryan Reynolds on in Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters? Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment released a new gameplay...