Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment has announced that the first DLC for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will feature a previously untold story, revolving around...
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This review contains spoilers for the second episode of Batman: The TellTale Series. The third episode of Batman: The TellTale Series is less eventful...
Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment has announced that the first DLC for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will feature a previously untold story, revolving around...
Activision has released two new videos for the upcoming Skylanders Imaginators, celebrating the 20th anniversary of everyone’s favorite marsupial, Crash Bandicoot.
You’ll be able to pick up Jet Set Radio HD for $9.99 on September 18th for the PS3 (the 11th for PS+ owners), the...
I have almost no clue what’s going on in this trailer, but I do know that I want to play it. Hell Yeah! Pimp...
MW3’s new Chaotic pack is now available to Xbox 360 owners for 1200 points ($15) and will be available to other platforms at a...
Take a look at the latest footage from Halo 4. These videos show some of the new weapons but more importantly it gives us...