Previews Hands on with E3: DOOM – Unto the Evil Bethesda just wrapped their E3 2016 press conference, where they showed off heavily anticipated titles like Dishonored 2, Prey and Quake: Champions, as well... MonsterVine StaffJune 14, 2016
News DOOM’s Hellish Launch Trailer Arrives id Software has released an intense launch trailer to celebrate the release of the newest installment of the highly anticipated classic shooter, DOOM. Spencer LegacyMay 9, 2016
Screenshots Fallout 4: Far Harbor Trailer The trailer for Fallout 4’s third add-on Far Harbor released today. William SawMay 5, 2016
News Dishonored 2 Sneaks To A November Release Bethesda has announced Dishonored 2 will be available worldwide on November 11, 2016 for Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC. William SawMay 4, 2016
News DOOM Open Beta Set to Drag You to Hell Bethesda Softworks has announced that the Open Beta for DOOM will run from April 15th to the 17th. Spencer LegacyApril 7, 2016
News New DOOM Multiplayer Trailer Drags You to Hell Bethesda has released a new multiplayer trailer for their latest entry into the iconic franchise, Doom. Spencer LegacyMarch 11, 2016
News Todd Howard to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award at GDC Awards 2016 It has been announced that Todd Howard will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the world of gaming at the 16th... Spencer LegacyFebruary 8, 2016