Media NiGHTS and Sonic Adventure 2 Releases October SEGA has revealed the HD remakes for NiGHTS into dreams… and Sonic Adventure 2 will be coming to Playstation Network (October 2) for $9.99... William SawSeptember 18, 2012
Media Hell Yeah! Pimp It Up Trailer I have almost no clue what’s going on in this trailer, but I do know that I want to play it. Hell Yeah! Pimp... Diego EscalaAugust 9, 2012
Android Jet Set Radio Hits iOS and Android This Summer SEGA has announced portable versions of Jet Set Radio will be arriving on iOS and Android devices when the game releases on console and... William SawJuly 20, 2012
Media Nights Into Dreams…Returns As A HD Remake SEGA has announced a HD remake of NiGHTS into dreams… for Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, and PC. With all HD remakes, expect improved... William SawJuly 7, 2012
Media Rome: Total War 2 Announced SEGA has announced the next chapter in the Total War franchise, Rome: Total War 2. William SawJuly 2, 2012
Media Jet Set Radio Track List Revealed SEGA has announced the full tracklist for the Dreamcast re-release of Jet Set Radio for Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, and PC. It includes... William SawJune 2, 2012
Media Jet Set Radio Revealed for Playstation Vita SEGA has announced its bringing over the Dreamcast original, Jet Set Radio, over to the Playstation Vita and will be playable at this year’s... William SawMay 26, 2012