It’s time for a another weekly news round-up from MonsterVine. Included in the round-up this weeks is our reviews for Duke Nukem Forever and Outland, as well as part two of our post E3 2011 podcast.
Check out our reviews below:
Check out the MonsterVine podcast below:
Post E3 Annual Podcast: Part 2
Check out the news below:
Shadows of the Damned Launch Trailer
Halo Anniversary Supports Kinect
Bejeweled 3 Coming to DS, PS3, PSN, Xbox 360, XBLA
Catherine or Katherine? New Trailer and Screenshots
SOE Awards G.I.R.L. Scholarship in Game Art Design
Battlefield 3 Runs 30 FPS, 720p on Consoles
Tim Drake Robin to be Playable In Batman: Arkham City
The Cursed Crusade Trailer Brings Appetizing Medieval Carnage
PC Version of L.A. Noire Announced
Sonic Generations Demo Out Now
Team Fortress 2 Now ‘Free to Play’
Bioshock Infinite Explains ‘Tears’
TERA E3 Demo Showcases Political System, Action Gameplay
Happy Gaming!