Broken Rules’s Chasing Aurora is a fast-paced multi-player game that’s playable on a platform you wouldn’t expect, the Nintendo Wii U. It’s also a launch day title and you can find it available on the Nintendo eShop November 16th for $14.99.
The multiplayer portion features five game modes. Up to five players will compete for Aurora’s Gem in tournaments that span up to three disciplines. Two of which put the GamePad player as a predator or prey, while the remaining players form a team. After each round, the GamePad is handed off to another player. Both cooperation and competition lead to victory.
The single player mode pits players against a clock with the objective to stay on the path while dodging obstacles like falling rocks, lightning strikes, and gusts of wind.
Chasing Aurora is tapping into the potential of the Wii U and the GamePad controller right away. Let’s see how indie games will fare on Nintendo’s new console.
Chase Mode
Hide and Seek
Freeze Tag
Trail Challenge