*UPDATE* The beta is now closed
We’re back with another City of Steam key giveaway; this time around the game is in beta and we’ve got a bunch of codes to give out. If you don’t know already, City of Steam is a browser-based MMORPG that’s currently in closed beta. You’ll be able customize your character or weapons, take part in a branching storyline, content to be enjoyed by casual and hardcores gamers, and there are four classes to play as between 10 different races. The beta will take place between November 16th and December 28th and will be divided into four seasons: Springtide (Nov. 16th to 20th), Summercrest (Nov. 30th to Dec. 4th), Autumnwane (Dec. 14th to 18th), & Winter Festival (Dec. 23 to 28th).
I’m starting things off with 20 keys but you’ll be able to find more on our Facebook and Twitter pages so get those F5 keys ready.
To redeem your beta key you’re going to need to head over to the City of Steam site here and register an account with your beta key. The beta starts on the 16th of November but you’ll be able to register with your beta key right now so don’t wait.
Player Classes
During the Sneak Peek players will be able to choose from the following classes and 4 races: Draug, Riven, Aven and Goblin that were chosen by a player vote on the City of Steam forums. In the future there will be many more races and several additional classes available.
Heirs to an ancient martial tradition, Warders meet their opponents with righteous fury. They are united in a common focus on personal Duty, unflinching Leadership, and swift, punishing Judgment of enemies.Arcanist:
Armed with state-of-the-art aetheric manipulators, the Arcanist wields the fury of the elements against any enemies foolish enough to approach. A variety of Fire, Ice, and Lightning abilities provide them with a wide array of tactical options.Gunner:
Regardless of whether they stalk individual targets with the art of Sharpshooting, conjure occult effects with Trigger Magic, or utilize the varied abilities of Support Fire, Gunners prove that modern firearms have incredible potential on the battlefield.Channeler:
Whether they draw from ancient Church hymnals or perform their own compositions, Channelers’ powerful melodies move the Mechanism to bring their allies into martial Harmony, restore them with Faith, and punish the unworthy with blinding Radiance.
History & Culture
City of Steam is set on the World Machine, a vast and ancient system of interlocking gears powered by unfathomable energies. Long ago, a race of ingenious conquerors called the Paragons sought to claim those energies for themselves, and destroyed themselves in the attempt. They left behind a shattered world and a complex legacy.
Even now, millennia after the Era of Myth, that legacy continues to affect the course of history on the World Machine. To the races that already inhabited the mechanism – humans, goblins, orcs, and hobbes – they added the charismatic riven, insular draug, and half-mechanical dwarves. Life on the Mechanism has been revolutionized by the study of the Paragons’ lost technologies. Airships soar overhead, robotic steamtoilers patrol the streets, and great factories produce weapons wielded by heroes and villains alike.
Four great human nations have emerged since the fall of the Paragons: the confederated city-states of the Heartlands, the allied kingdoms of Ostenia, the patriarchal Republic of Avenoss, and the harsh Empire of Stoigmar. At the site of the Paragons’ fall lay the City-State of Nexus, a once-great industrial center whose connection to the Era of Myth continues to attract attention from across the Mechanism.
Rumor has it that something deep within Nexus has awakened – a secret that will change the world forever