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SB’s Gaming Memories: Mario Party Panic

Today’s momory is a saddening one, especially for Mario Party vetrans.

To set the stage for you, for a long time, me and my cousins would all play the N64 Parties together late into the night whenever they came over. I practiced for these matches by playing Mini Game Stadium on the original Party.

So one day, I’m doing very well for a marathon session of Full Play, having racked up over 200 coins in the course of play to that point. The very next game to come up was the Crane Game. As players of the original Mario Party know, the CPU players tend to go after the player with the most coins when they are the crane, and the chance of escaping is almost nil.

I lost my brlliant lead and spent the rest of the game trying to get it back…and I still lost in the end.

I was quite mad the rest of the day.

Happy gaming,

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